The Lost Souls Public Memorial Project is a local non-profit organization committed to revealing the unjust incident of local history in which a corrupt Middlesex County judge led a state-wide slave ring which kidnapped or deceived 137 African Americans from around the region into permanent slavery in the Deep South in 1818. The LSP educates the community and is seeking to build a memorial to ensure those Lost Souls are not lost to history.
The Unitarian Society was one of the original co-founders, along with the New Brunswick branch of the NAACP and the NJ chapter of the Afro-American Genealogical & Historical Society, as well as several civic-minded individuals. TUS acted as the fiscal agent for the LSP until they became their own non-profit organization and our Settled Minister at the time, the Reverend Karen G. Johnston, was the founding board president.
For more information about this effort to address the painful legacy of slavery and white supremacy, please go to these links:
Lost Souls Memorial Project Website
Lost Souls Memorial Project Facebook Page